25% of Americans Have It

There is an eye condition that has increased in prevalence in the US by 66% since 1971. This condition now affects over 25% of all Americans and the prevalence has reached upwards of 85% in some Asian countries.

I’m talking about myopia, or nearsightedness. While low amounts of myopia may seem harmless (hey, we can still see with glasses or contacts!), myopic patients are more likely to develop blinding eye diseases like glaucoma, retinal tears and detachments, and premature cataracts, among countless others.

Myopia is caused by an elongated eye

Myopia is caused by an elongated eye

Luckily, new research is beginning to identify trends in those who are nearsighted. Besides genetics, increased near work and lack of outdoor play have been identified as contributing factors in myopia progression

So What Can We Do?

There are currently three preventative measures that can be taken to slow myopia progression:

  1. Orthokeratology
  2. Soft bifocal contact lenses
  3. Low dose dilating drops, called Atropine.

    While all work well, bifocal contacts and atropine can significantly decrease a child’s clarity of vision, even though they reduced their risk of myopia progression. Ortho-K, however, offers clear vision AND slowing of myopia progression for children of all ages! That’s why it’s our go-to to get kids out of glasses and contacts and reduce their risk of myopia progression.

Want to know more about Ortho-K? Check out our website here.



-Dr. Montgomery

Dr. Canaan Montgomery is an Optometrist in Paducah, KY. He specializes in ocular disease, pediatrics, and specialty contact lens fitting, including Orthokeratology.