We have recently added a new piece of technology to our office called an Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT). This instrument allows us to construct 3-Dimensional images of certain parts of the eye. This allows us to see parts of your eye in cross-section, which improves our ability to diagnose eye conditions earlier and more accurately.
The instrument also has a large normative database, allowing us to compare measurements from your eye to what a normal, healthy eye should look like. This helps improve detection of minute changes in the eye that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to detect!

Variations of Retinal Detachment as seen on OCT imaging
Macular edema as seen on OCT imaging
-Dr. M
Dr. Canaan Montgomery is an Optometrist in Paducah, KY. He specializes in ocular disease care, specialty contact lenses, including Ortho-K, and pediatrics.